...abilities and such...
After the puppies did not really do anything for a whole week but eat, sleep, and gain weight, all of a sudden, things start kicking left and right.

1. Tara is still cleaning up after her litter. However, the puppies can manage their bodily functions by themselves now and are not solely dependent on their mother for that anymore.

2. Yesterday, they started to walk. Even though it still looks as if they have consumed too much alcohol, it is nevertheless a huge developmental step and costs lots of energy.

3. After having waited for that special moment all along, the first puppy is finally starting to open its eyes. It is an absolutely adorable sight. If the lighting is right, you can actually see a tiny part of the pupil sparkling in the corner of the eyes.   Although the little ones cannot see anything yet this too is a tremendous step towards independence.

After all, sleeping and feeding still remain the highlights of a 24 hour day.

Red female: Wheew, look what I can doooo ..

Green male: What she can do, I can do even better …

… I can already display my best show ring positure!!!

… climb over our Mama, literally jump! Wow!

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… walk all the way to my Mommy

… not only can I walk veeery faaar …

White female: … That's all easy peasy, I can already ..

Yellow female: Phhh, walking, standing, Mama, and all that sort of nonsense, I can crash into my purple brother all by myself :)