... a thing called socializing...

Now, Puppies are 6 weeks old and try to discover the world. In the beginning, they were satisfied with the puppy room and their sister. Otherwise, the played with the toys.

Now, youth want their “right of freedom” :)) But we have to be careful because of the weather. In the noon it’s warm, but in the morning and evening it’s too cold. So, at this time puppies have to stay into the room. And we started to bring them in small groups into our living room. They should learn the noises of the normal household. I installed a “noise cassette” so they will get used to gunfire, car noises, baby crying and more. Yesterday, puppies stand for the first time at the grooming table and I brushed them.
You can see some snapshots from a day:

Anarchia, the undercover agent

We have be grown soooo much

Alaja sleeps very well...

He guys, I know it will fit!!!!

Playing, allways playing

Sometimes, we sleep with 4 puppies at this...

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Hi, hi, this green stuff is great :))